Nah neh update lagi artisteernya sekarang dah nyampe versi 3,pasti temen2 dah tau kan apa kegunaan nya software ini, klo belum tau aq jelasin dikit, artisteer ialah software untuk memudahkan kita membuat thema blog, baik itu wordpress, blogspot, joomla, dsb.. contoh hasil dari artisteer bisa temen2 liat thema blog ini, itu aq bikin dengan menggunakan software ini..
>> STEP :
01. Uninstall any previous release of Artisteer.
02. Clean the registry with regedit : “[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareExtensoft”, and delete a
“Extensoft” key (whole “folder” ).
03. Run “ViewVID.vbs” to see the hard disk ID (must be: 8CC54BFB, if not this, use “ChVID.exe” to
04. Copy “ChVID.exe” to “C:” (eg: “C:ChVID.exe” ).
05. Run the console (CMD) as administrator.
06. Go to “C:”.
07. In the console type “ChVID c: 8CC5-4BFB” <enter> (without the quotes).
08. click “Ok” to all, until a message confirms the ID change.
09. Close the console and restart the computer.
10. Once the computer is booted again, use “ViewVID.vbs” to verify that your new ID is: 8CC54BFB.
11. Install “Artisteer.” and follow the indications.
12. Let me finish the installation, do not run the program (Uncheck the “Run the program) and click
13. With Windows FireWall select “…Artisteer 3binArtisteer.exe” and LOCK IT so it can not access the
internet (this step is essential) – If you dont know to lock it by firewall, try to disconnet your internet
connection(unplug cable) and you see that will work
14. Now, run the file “Artists 3 lic.reg” and accept the warning window.
15. Ready, you can use Artisteer 3 and save templates modified!
Translate ndiri y broo... kwkwkwkwkkw
nah.. skrang wktunya nyedot gan... cekidot...
>> Artisteer 3.0
>> STEP :
01. Uninstall any previous release of Artisteer.
02. Clean the registry with regedit : “[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareExtensoft”, and delete a
“Extensoft” key (whole “folder” ).
03. Run “ViewVID.vbs” to see the hard disk ID (must be: 8CC54BFB, if not this, use “ChVID.exe” to
04. Copy “ChVID.exe” to “C:” (eg: “C:ChVID.exe” ).
05. Run the console (CMD) as administrator.
06. Go to “C:”.
07. In the console type “ChVID c: 8CC5-4BFB” <enter> (without the quotes).
08. click “Ok” to all, until a message confirms the ID change.
09. Close the console and restart the computer.
10. Once the computer is booted again, use “ViewVID.vbs” to verify that your new ID is: 8CC54BFB.
11. Install “Artisteer.” and follow the indications.
12. Let me finish the installation, do not run the program (Uncheck the “Run the program) and click
13. With Windows FireWall select “…Artisteer 3binArtisteer.exe” and LOCK IT so it can not access the
internet (this step is essential) – If you dont know to lock it by firewall, try to disconnet your internet
connection(unplug cable) and you see that will work
14. Now, run the file “Artists 3 lic.reg” and accept the warning window.
15. Ready, you can use Artisteer 3 and save templates modified!
Translate ndiri y broo... kwkwkwkwkkw
nah.. skrang wktunya nyedot gan... cekidot...
>> Artisteer 3.0
02. Clean the registry with regedit : “[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareExtensoft”, and delete a
“Extensoft” key (whole “folder” ).
03. Run “ViewVID.vbs” to see the hard disk ID (must be: 8CC54BFB, if not this, use “ChVID.exe” to
04. Copy “ChVID.exe” to “C:” (eg: “C:ChVID.exe” ).
05. Run the console (CMD) as administrator.
06. Go to “C:”.
07. In the console type “ChVID c: 8CC5-4BFB” <enter> (without the quotes).
08. click “Ok” to all, until a message confirms the ID change.
09. Close the console and restart the computer.
10. Once the computer is booted again, use “ViewVID.vbs” to verify that your new ID is: 8CC54BFB.
11. Install “Artisteer.” and follow the indications.
12. Let me finish the installation, do not run the program (Uncheck the “Run the program) and click
13. With Windows FireWall select “…Artisteer 3binArtisteer.exe” and LOCK IT so it can not access the
internet (this step is essential) – If you dont know to lock it by firewall, try to disconnet your internet
connection(unplug cable) and you see that will work
14. Now, run the file “Artists 3 lic.reg” and accept the warning window.
15. Ready, you can use Artisteer 3 and save templates modified!
Translate ndiri y broo... kwkwkwkwkkw
nah.. skrang wktunya nyedot gan... cekidot...
>> Artisteer 3.0
siip gan... ini ni yg gw cari2... :D
BalasHapusTq Gan...