Kamis, 21 April 2011
Selasa, 19 April 2011
Free Download HJ Spilt 2.4
HJSplit untuk Windows adalah file splitter freeware yang berjalan pada semua edisi 32 bit dan 64 bit Windows. HJSplit mendukung ukuran file lebih dari 100 Gigabytes, dapat membagi file, bergabung / bergabung kembali file, membuat checksum MD5, membandingkan file dan "berjalan tanpa install". HJSplit juga sepenuhnya portabel: Anda dapat menjalankan secara langsung dari sebuah DVD, CD atauUSB stick.
HJSplit untuk Windows tidak perlu diinstal juga tidak bergantung pada apapun DLL khusus itu. Hanya ekstrak isi dari file zip ke direktori pilihan anda, dan mulai program dengan mengklik ganda pada hjsplit.exe.
>> Download HJ Split
HJSplit untuk Windows tidak perlu diinstal juga tidak bergantung pada apapun DLL khusus itu. Hanya ekstrak isi dari file zip ke direktori pilihan anda, dan mulai program dengan mengklik ganda pada hjsplit.exe.
>> Download HJ Split
Artisteer 3.0 Full Version
Nah neh update lagi artisteernya sekarang dah nyampe versi 3,pasti temen2 dah tau kan apa kegunaan nya software ini, klo belum tau aq jelasin dikit, artisteer ialah software untuk memudahkan kita membuat thema blog, baik itu wordpress, blogspot, joomla, dsb.. contoh hasil dari artisteer bisa temen2 liat thema blog ini, itu aq bikin dengan menggunakan software ini..
>> STEP :
01. Uninstall any previous release of Artisteer.
02. Clean the registry with regedit : “[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareExtensoft”, and delete a
“Extensoft” key (whole “folder” ).
03. Run “ViewVID.vbs” to see the hard disk ID (must be: 8CC54BFB, if not this, use “ChVID.exe” to
04. Copy “ChVID.exe” to “C:” (eg: “C:ChVID.exe” ).
05. Run the console (CMD) as administrator.
06. Go to “C:”.
07. In the console type “ChVID c: 8CC5-4BFB” <enter> (without the quotes).
08. click “Ok” to all, until a message confirms the ID change.
09. Close the console and restart the computer.
10. Once the computer is booted again, use “ViewVID.vbs” to verify that your new ID is: 8CC54BFB.
11. Install “Artisteer.” and follow the indications.
12. Let me finish the installation, do not run the program (Uncheck the “Run the program) and click
13. With Windows FireWall select “…Artisteer 3binArtisteer.exe” and LOCK IT so it can not access the
internet (this step is essential) – If you dont know to lock it by firewall, try to disconnet your internet
connection(unplug cable) and you see that will work
14. Now, run the file “Artists 3 lic.reg” and accept the warning window.
15. Ready, you can use Artisteer 3 and save templates modified!
Translate ndiri y broo... kwkwkwkwkkw
nah.. skrang wktunya nyedot gan... cekidot...
>> Artisteer 3.0
>> STEP :
01. Uninstall any previous release of Artisteer.
02. Clean the registry with regedit : “[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareExtensoft”, and delete a
“Extensoft” key (whole “folder” ).
03. Run “ViewVID.vbs” to see the hard disk ID (must be: 8CC54BFB, if not this, use “ChVID.exe” to
04. Copy “ChVID.exe” to “C:” (eg: “C:ChVID.exe” ).
05. Run the console (CMD) as administrator.
06. Go to “C:”.
07. In the console type “ChVID c: 8CC5-4BFB” <enter> (without the quotes).
08. click “Ok” to all, until a message confirms the ID change.
09. Close the console and restart the computer.
10. Once the computer is booted again, use “ViewVID.vbs” to verify that your new ID is: 8CC54BFB.
11. Install “Artisteer.” and follow the indications.
12. Let me finish the installation, do not run the program (Uncheck the “Run the program) and click
13. With Windows FireWall select “…Artisteer 3binArtisteer.exe” and LOCK IT so it can not access the
internet (this step is essential) – If you dont know to lock it by firewall, try to disconnet your internet
connection(unplug cable) and you see that will work
14. Now, run the file “Artists 3 lic.reg” and accept the warning window.
15. Ready, you can use Artisteer 3 and save templates modified!
Translate ndiri y broo... kwkwkwkwkkw
nah.. skrang wktunya nyedot gan... cekidot...
>> Artisteer 3.0
02. Clean the registry with regedit : “[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareExtensoft”, and delete a
“Extensoft” key (whole “folder” ).
03. Run “ViewVID.vbs” to see the hard disk ID (must be: 8CC54BFB, if not this, use “ChVID.exe” to
04. Copy “ChVID.exe” to “C:” (eg: “C:ChVID.exe” ).
05. Run the console (CMD) as administrator.
06. Go to “C:”.
07. In the console type “ChVID c: 8CC5-4BFB” <enter> (without the quotes).
08. click “Ok” to all, until a message confirms the ID change.
09. Close the console and restart the computer.
10. Once the computer is booted again, use “ViewVID.vbs” to verify that your new ID is: 8CC54BFB.
11. Install “Artisteer.” and follow the indications.
12. Let me finish the installation, do not run the program (Uncheck the “Run the program) and click
13. With Windows FireWall select “…Artisteer 3binArtisteer.exe” and LOCK IT so it can not access the
internet (this step is essential) – If you dont know to lock it by firewall, try to disconnet your internet
connection(unplug cable) and you see that will work
14. Now, run the file “Artists 3 lic.reg” and accept the warning window.
15. Ready, you can use Artisteer 3 and save templates modified!
Translate ndiri y broo... kwkwkwkwkkw
nah.. skrang wktunya nyedot gan... cekidot...
>> Artisteer 3.0
Senin, 18 April 2011
Free Download Orbit Downloader Final Multilingual Portable
Orbit downloader merupakan salah satu program downloader yang digunakan untuk mengunduh file dari internet. Dengan aplikasi ini akan mepermudah kita untuk melakukan proses download. Baik itu file dokumen, movie, flash, musik dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.
Orbit downloader support dengan banyak browser. Diantaranya firefox, internet explorer dan lain sebagainya. Aplikasi ini mampu memberikan akselerasi yang maksimal terhadap akses download anda. Jadi waktu mendownload menjadi cepat dan tidak menjemukan. Untuk mendownload orbit downloader silahkan klik tautan dibawah ini.
>> Download Orbit Downloader
Orbit downloader support dengan banyak browser. Diantaranya firefox, internet explorer dan lain sebagainya. Aplikasi ini mampu memberikan akselerasi yang maksimal terhadap akses download anda. Jadi waktu mendownload menjadi cepat dan tidak menjemukan. Untuk mendownload orbit downloader silahkan klik tautan dibawah ini.
>> Download Orbit Downloader
Download IDM 6.05 Free Full Version
Internet Download Manager (IDM) adalah alat untuk meningkatkan kecepatan download sampai 500 persen, melanjutkan dan jadwal download.
Comprehensive error recovery dan melanjutkan kemampuan akan restart download rusak atau terputus karena kehilangan koneksi, masalah jaringan, komputer shutdowns, atau listrik padam tak terduga. Antarmuka pengguna grafis sederhana membuat IDM user friendly dan mudah digunakan.
Internet Download Manager memiliki logika download accelerator cerdas yang segmentasi file fitur cerdas dinamis dan teknologi download multipart aman untuk mempercepat download Anda.
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IDM berbaur ke dalam Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE, Google Chrome, dan semua browser populer lainnya untuk secara otomatis menangani Anda.
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Internet Download Manager mendukung proxy server, ftp dan protokol http, firewall, pengalihan, kue, direktori dengan otorisasi, MP3 audio dan MPEG video processing konten, dan sejumlah besar format daftar direktori.
IDM berbaur ke dalam Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE, Google Chrome, dan semua browser populer lainnya untuk secara otomatis menangani Anda.
Anda juga dapat drag dan drop file, atau menggunakan Internet Download Manager dari baris perintah. Internet Download Manager bisa dial modem Anda pada waktu yang ditetapkan, download file yang Anda inginkan, kemudian menggantung atau bahkan mematikan komputer Anda bila dilakukan.
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Sid Meier's Civilization V Free Download Full version
Sid Meier's Civilization V is the fifth offering in the multi-award winning civilization strategi game series featuring the famous "Just One More Turn" addictive gameplay that has made it one of the greatest game series of all time.
With over nine million units sold worldwide, and unprecedented critical acclaim from fans and press around the world, Sid Meier’s Civilization® is recognized as one of the greatest strategy franchises of all-time. Now, Firaxis Games will take this incredibly fun and addictive strategy game to unprecedented heights by adding new ways to play and win; new tools to manage and expand your civilization; extensive modding capabilities; and intensely competitive multiplayer options. Civilization® V will come to life in a beautifully detailed, living world that will elevate the gameplay experience to a whole new level making it a must-have for gamers around the globe!
In Civilization® V, players strive to become Ruler of the World by establishing and leading a civilization from the dawn of man into the space age, waging war, conducting diplomacy, discovering new technologies, going head-to-head with some of history’s greatest leaders and building the most powerful empire the world has ever known.
More than just a strategy game - the expanded visuals and immersive audio invite would be kings to take up the reigns of power and forge a mighty empire. Civilization V offers a limitless variety of vast, realistic and diverse landscapes for players to explore, battle over and claim as their own.
An intuitive interface eases both new players and Civ veterans into the game. Guided by a set of trusted advisors who will explain game functionality and provide counsel for significant decisions, even first-time players will be confident in the choices they make.
Combat is more exciting and engaging than ever before. Wars between empires feel massive with armies spreading across the landscape.The addition of ranged bombardment allows players to fire weapons from behind the front lines, challenging players to develop clever new strategies to guarantee victory on the battlefield.
Write your own epic story each time you play! Choose one of eighteen historical civilizations to lead from the stone-age to the space age on your quest to build the world’s most powerful empire.
Negotiate with some of history’s most cunning rulers, each with a well-crafted plan for victory. Successful diplomacy will depend on players carefully managing relationships with other leaders, trading items, plying them with gold, and deciding if they are friend or foe. City States will present a new diplomatic battleground on which the major powers of the world will vie for supremacy.
Compete with Civ players from all over the globe via the Internet, offering endless ways to rule the world.
With unprecedented modding tools, players will have a nearly unlimited options for modifying Civilization V any way they like.
Download Free Full Version :
>> Part 1
>> Part 2
>> Part 3
>> Part 4
>> Part 5
>> Part 6
>> Part 7
>> Part 8
>> Part 9
>> Part 10
>> Part 11
>> Part 12
>> Part 13
>> Part 14
>> Part 15
>> Part 16
>> Part 17
>> Part 18
>> Part 19
>> Part 20
>> Part 21
With over nine million units sold worldwide, and unprecedented critical acclaim from fans and press around the world, Sid Meier’s Civilization® is recognized as one of the greatest strategy franchises of all-time. Now, Firaxis Games will take this incredibly fun and addictive strategy game to unprecedented heights by adding new ways to play and win; new tools to manage and expand your civilization; extensive modding capabilities; and intensely competitive multiplayer options. Civilization® V will come to life in a beautifully detailed, living world that will elevate the gameplay experience to a whole new level making it a must-have for gamers around the globe!
In Civilization® V, players strive to become Ruler of the World by establishing and leading a civilization from the dawn of man into the space age, waging war, conducting diplomacy, discovering new technologies, going head-to-head with some of history’s greatest leaders and building the most powerful empire the world has ever known.
More than just a strategy game - the expanded visuals and immersive audio invite would be kings to take up the reigns of power and forge a mighty empire. Civilization V offers a limitless variety of vast, realistic and diverse landscapes for players to explore, battle over and claim as their own.
An intuitive interface eases both new players and Civ veterans into the game. Guided by a set of trusted advisors who will explain game functionality and provide counsel for significant decisions, even first-time players will be confident in the choices they make.
Combat is more exciting and engaging than ever before. Wars between empires feel massive with armies spreading across the landscape.The addition of ranged bombardment allows players to fire weapons from behind the front lines, challenging players to develop clever new strategies to guarantee victory on the battlefield.
Write your own epic story each time you play! Choose one of eighteen historical civilizations to lead from the stone-age to the space age on your quest to build the world’s most powerful empire.
Negotiate with some of history’s most cunning rulers, each with a well-crafted plan for victory. Successful diplomacy will depend on players carefully managing relationships with other leaders, trading items, plying them with gold, and deciding if they are friend or foe. City States will present a new diplomatic battleground on which the major powers of the world will vie for supremacy.
Compete with Civ players from all over the globe via the Internet, offering endless ways to rule the world.
With unprecedented modding tools, players will have a nearly unlimited options for modifying Civilization V any way they like.
Download Free Full Version :
>> Part 1
>> Part 2
>> Part 3
>> Part 4
>> Part 5
>> Part 6
>> Part 7
>> Part 8
>> Part 9
>> Part 10
>> Part 11
>> Part 12
>> Part 13
>> Part 14
>> Part 15
>> Part 16
>> Part 17
>> Part 18
>> Part 19
>> Part 20
>> Part 21
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